
Showing posts from February, 2011

Visible Church

A problem with Evangelicalism

Oxford movement panel(s) - rough draft

State Interference and the Church

Newman's influence on the thinking of the Catholic Church

The Via Media

A confident beginning

A Movement, not a committee

Pastoral Newman

Three propositions, three conversions

The whole man moves

The structure of the exhibition


An adventure of knowledge

A European movement

Lead, Kindly Light

"An English Catholic's perspective on the Papal visit to the UK"

Loss and Gain - the Story of a Convert

Hermeneutic of continuity


Why the Oxford movement happened

Impact of the Oxford movement

The Oxford Movement - meet the team...

Impressions of Newman at Oxford

The need of a different humanity, not morals, doctrines or philosophies

Charles Reading's final conversion

Religion and reality

Notes from 'Grammar of Assent'